Honoring Grief Through Collective Sharing

This free live virtual event happening in...


  "Our grief is sacred, and your tears of love are here to water the seeds of peace we are all praying for..."

Sunday, February 18

10am - 1pm PST

Sign Up Now

For months we have all been wading through a deep sea of primal ancestral grief over what is happening on our historic ancient sacred land; an amplified reflection for us to see what we, as brothers and sisters in humanity, are doing to each other, to ourselves, and to our sacred earth; an opportunity for us to expand our consciousness into a higher state of being for the sake of our humanity.  

We are present to the tenderness of our grief and the rollercoaster of compassion, rage, gratitude, guilt, empathy, disgust, numbness, horror, helplessness, and prolonged sadness.  Through the collective sharing and expression of our grief, our hope is to restore inner peace and make it easier to see with the eyes of love again.  

We are here to honor your grief and arrive with you in it.  To offer presence for you, to practice compassionate listening with you, and to seek to understand with you.  Our intention is to be your mirror, to validate what you are feeling, and remind you that you are not alone in your grief. We are moving through a deep collective experience, together.   

Please share your voice with us.  Your cries need to be heard, witnessed, and amplified.  Please join us to hold space for your brothers and sisters to be seen in their grief.  Our grief is sacred, and your tears of love are here to water the seeds of peace we are all praying for.

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Meet your Facilitators

Heba, Jodi, and Brandy, joined by R Kaleo Fahey, Amma Maat Nubi Ankh, and others...

"We are powerful shamans, space holders, and community spiritual leaders, and we are coming together to hold space for the collective community to let out the pain of our grief..."

Heba Saab


Heba “Hibs” Saab has survived three wars in her lifetime. She was born in Beirut in 1982 at the height of the Lebanese civil war and the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Her parents fled to Dhahran, Saudi Arabia in hopes of giving their children an opportunity for a better life, free from the violence and oppression caused by war.

In 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait prompting the Gulf war and the militarization of the U.S. compound Aramco where she was living. “We carried gas masks to school in our backpacks every day. All the windows in our neighbourhoods were taped up in case they shattered during bombing. We made a hide-out cellar out of our laundry room, and learned to 'duck & cover' with the sound of sirens as a regular practice after recess”, Heba says.

In 2008, after studying at the University of California, Irvine, and investing a lot of time learning about the history and politics of the Middle East, Hibs returned to Lebanon in hopes of reconnecting her roots, healing her relationship with her motherland, and establishing herself in Beirut as a yoga teacher.

Two years later, Heba says, “One night, my apartment building was held hostage by terrorists and I was trapped in the bathroom between the sink and the toilet for over 11 hours. Recovery took a lot of work on all levels.”

Combining a deep understanding of the nuances of this ancestral conflict, her personal life experiences as a civilian caught in the crossfire of war, and her life’s work of over two decades of devoted study with various healing practices, Hibs is honored to hold space for Seeds of Peace, and to facilitate the collective sharing of our sacred grief for the sake of our humanity.

Jodi Friedman

Intentional Healings

Jodi Friedman, owner of Intentional Healings in Las Vegas, Nevada, is a Spiritually Jewish woman who educates the world through Empowerment Life Coaching and Energy Healing facilitation

As a Reiki Master Teacher since the 1990’s, Jodi has certified hundreds of individuals in the beautiful form of Reiki (Universal Life Force Energy) which is used to support the development of her students’ life enrichment mastery process. She uses visioning the future through channeling light to create the present in all of her workshops.

Jodi has traveled the world to Brazil, Bali, Canada, England, and India to witness and participate in ancient and sacred spiritual models of Meditation, Breathwork, NLP and Empowerment Healing with her mentors.

Jodi was raised in a Jewish family in the Midwest, where Judaism was an important part of her world in her early years. In 2000, she found herself in Israel on a Jewish Federation Mission trip from Las Vegas, recognizing her dream of “Next Year in Jerusalem!”

Her love as a humanitarian deepend her drive to focus on a spiritual life filled with love, honor, protection, and peace in the goodness of sharing the light with all others.

Brandy Jordan

Sacred Conversations

Brandy is a mystic and psychologist, known for seeing through the eyes of love. Sitting with her is an activation and invitation to see what love sees. With deep insight and transformative guidance, Brandy creates an empowered space where your mind can rest, your body can feel, and your soul can expand.

An ordained Minister, Mystic initiate, and a studying Metaphysician, she holds Degree in Human Services and in Metaphysical Psychology. Brandy is trained in non violent communication, Psychotherapy and Sacred Circle Facilitation. She empowers the experience of love in all realms of life.

Brandy is honored to hold space, to bring empowering love and to water the seeds of peace allowing them to take root once again in our hearts.

Sign Up

SEEDS OF PEACE: Honoring Grief Through Collective Sharing

What to Expect

When you click to "Sign Up", you'll be directed to a registration page where you can confirm your participation with us live via Zoom on Sunday February 18 from 10am - 1pm PST.

There is no charge to sign up, this event is free.

A Zoom meeting link will be emailed to you shortly after registration. If you do not recieve the link within 24 hours, email for support.

On the day of the event, please be prepared with a journal and pen, a cup of ceremonial cacao, a candle, and something to light it with.

Ceremonial cacao and candle drop-shipping options will be sent out via email for those who would like to purchase from one of our trusted local vendors. We will also be sending out instructions on the preparation of ceremonial cacao for those who are new to this practice.

If you feel called to contribute financially in support of peace at this time, please donate to Seeds of Peace, a leadership development organization that empowers youth, and provides support to educators in high conflict zones, giving them the confidence and courage to create change within themselves and their communities. Learn more and donate here:

This event will be broadcasted live on various platforms. If you do not wish to participate live on Zoom, or if you are registered but unable to attend live, you can participate anonymously via live broadcast or replay.

We are humbly honored to be with you during this time and to hold space for you to express your sacred grief.

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