Evolve Your Consciousness through Ecstatic Reclamation of Self

Feb 1 - March 30, 2024

There's so much uncertainty,

especially nowadays, it seems...

but one thing is for sure, your physical, emotional, mental, and Spiritual well-being needs to be your top priority. 

You know there's some healing and inner work to do in order for you to get that feeling of confidence, motivation, and security that you're craving.

Frankly, a deep dive into Spiritual practice is your best bet.

I know because it’s what works for me, and the thousands of students I've served in the 20+ years I've been a yoga teacher.

I want to be upfront with you, the inner work journey isn't always easy. It takes a lot of willingness and humility to be honest with yourself about the ways you're holding yourself back, and to change what isn't working.

But if you are willing to show up and address your blocks around making time for yourself and tending to your soul's desires, it is ENTIRELY POSSIBLE to have inner peace, direction, clarity, and success.

That's why NOW is time for you to finally get the support you need to show up fully for your life.

Just imagine how different your life will be when you really start putting your SELF first! I want you to know that YOU are so worth it.

Love, Hibs

The HIBS Sapphire Pillars


  • Act on your intention to make your health and wellness in body, mind, and Spirit the priority in your life
  • Reclaim deep inner knowing and steadiness in the midst of life's pressures and uncertainties
  • Heal your relationship with yourself, your relationship to Spirit, and your relationships with others
  • Live life to your full potential with purpose, willingness, and receptivity


  • Eliminate the external noise and connect to the unwavering Truth in your own heart
  • Open to receive divine guidance for inspired actions that drive your passion and yield incredible results
  • Establish a direct line to your Higher Self to build self-trust and confidence
  • Exponentially elevate your consciousness with the support of others who are also on a Spiritual path


  • Awaken to your innate gifts and truly aligned soul desires
  • Regain motivation and direction for taking inspired magnificent action
  • Access the Spiritual power that lies within you
  • Become the master architect of your life and become an active co-creator in being, doing, and having all that is yours by divine right

I feel connected in a deeper way than I ever have in my life... I feel that I have really come home to myself, and it's a beautiful, beautiful feeling.

— Erin R.

I no longer feel like I'm tiptoeing around my past childhood trauma. I literally have the power to face it head on and change the patterns I don't like about myself because of that past trauma.

— Cheri W.

I didn't even realize there were so many layers I had that I was peeling away, and I'm thankful and grateful that I got to look at those a little bit deeper. Leaving, or working still, on my issues feeling a lot lighter, a lot more self love, a lot more able to communicate and not be afraid of my words... even to myself, being truthful.

— Desiree V.

Here's How the Program Works

The HIBS Sapphire Spiritual Coaching Immersion is a methodical inner work process to help you breakthrough to the next level in the evolution of your consciousness.

The program is designed to feel like a retreat, rather than one more thing on your "to-do" list. The Sapphire container teaches you how to break free of patterns like overcommitment, staying busy, caretaking, and over-giving, by focusing your energy on what matters most, and bringing you back to the most important thing in your life, YOU. The teachings and practices are ones you'll want to come back to time and time again to recenter yourSelf as you progress on your Spiritual journey.

In this program, you'll be working with Heba personally in the context of deep reflective meditation processes (Ceremonies), and live group coaching calls. Heba will support you personally in your unique process, and help you through any fear or resistance that may show up as you unwind old self-sabotage patterns and step forward on your Spiritual path as your future, wiser self.

This package also includes access to yoga classes online (Live Virtual via Zoom), as well as, access to our downloadable HIBS On Demand class archives, so that you can work through things as they come up physically, practice yoga any time, and get in the rhythm of caring for your body. This process is designed for you to create a deeper and more meaningful connection with all aspects of your Self.

Before we begin The HIBS Sapphire Spiritual Coaching Immersion, you’ll get a welcome email from Heba that will give you access to a private Facebook group just for current Sapphire Yogis. You'll want to get in the group ASAP so that you can introduce yourself and watch the welcome video.

When we officially start the program, we'll be meeting via Zoom for Ceremony and Live Group Coaching once a week to explore the transformational process that will propel you to the next approximation of your future potential self. Your pre-recorded Spiritual Teaching Modules will be released on a weekly basis so that you can integrate and implement the teachings prior to our group calls.

Everything will also be streaming into the Sapphire Facebook Group for you to revisit whenever you need it, or take in when it's convenient for you. You'll be getting lifetime access to the entire course.

Here's What You'll Receive

  • Lifetime Access to 12 Spiritual Teaching Modules and Live Ceremonial Practices that will give you understanding and direction PLUS motivation to take action
  • 6 Live Group Coaching Calls with Heba to give you more clarity so that you feel centered in the teachings, confident, worthy, and more certain in your decisions
  • 2 Months of online yoga, plus access to HIBS On Demand for an opportunity to connect more deeply with your Self and establish a sustainable self-care practice
  • Accountability and Support for you to align your personal power to Source power and access your potential

I've been wanting to do the yoga teacher training, but haven't been feeling like I was ready to do that, but I was looking for a next step in my processing, really working on self mastery and getting deeper into myself. I really, really enjoyed this whole process... I'm more confident in the direction that I'm going in and how I feel about my next steps.

— Lisa G.

I wanted to work on some inner turmoil and lack of direction, to get things settled down. It helped me with self-discovery. I didn't even know what I really wanted. Self love, helping me discover what I desire and action steps to achieve that"

— Keri F.

Let's Talk About Your Investment

Students who've completed this program had been struggling for YEARS to experience inner peace, confidence, clarity, and consistency.

Through The HIBS Sapphire Spiritual Coaching Immersion, some of our Sapphire Yogis have gone on to do incredible things like overcome debilitating chronic shoulder pain, transition away from a 9-5 job to start their own soul-aligned businesses tripling their income, and resolve deep hidden traumas that were at the root of addictive and self-sabotaging behavior.

This program is so powerful because we are working on all levels of your being - mental, emotional, physical, and energetic, so that you can experience mind-blowing transformations at quantum speed.

Changes that will bring more fulfillment into your life, less stress, and move you away from patterns like pain, anxiety, overwhelm, or overcommitment, and towards more success, harmony, and peace.

Changes that will radiate prosperity into all aspects of your life - your health, your personal relationships, and even your finances. All of these facets are expressions of your Soul, so as you do the healing inner work and connect more deeply to your higher Self, of course, you will start to awaken to your potential in all areas of your lived experience, and attract the people, situations, and resources that align with and support your desires.

Quite frankly if you're committed to living the sacred gift that is your precious life, the best investment you can makes is in your Spiritual growth.

Between The HIBS Sapphire curriculum, unlimited yoga classes, powerful Ceremonies, and life-changing live coaching sessions with Heba, this course is conservatively valued at over $15,000.

To incentivize you in making the first step, we're offering it to you for only $3,000 if you pay in full, or for a deposit of $350 and 4 payments of $720 if you choose the payment plan. 

*Custom payment plans are also available, email hibs@hibsyoga.com to set one up.


Pay in Full

Payment Plan

This Program is for You if:

  • You are ready to unlock your gifts and up-level in Spirituality and consciousness
  • You feel called to show yourself the same level of care you show others
  • You crave more connection in your relationships with your partner, your children, yourself and/or your Spirituality
  • You have a desire to fill your cup so that you can serve others at the highest level
  • You've been struggling with something, or feel that you are at a crossroads energetically, and desire divinely inspired direction
  • You feel a sense of underlying anxiety from the uncertainties of today's world, and yet you also have a deep inner knowing that there is more

This Program is NOT for You if:

  • You're not willing to look at your limiting beliefs and be honest with yourself
  • You are not interested in getting rid of the blockages that hold you back from living your potential
  • You aren't willing or able to be accountable for your choices and the outcomes in your life
  • You don't find value in being out of your comfort zone
  • You are resistant to change and you know that you will hold yourself back from it, even when it's for the better
  • You can't wrap your head around making time for yourself and investing in your spiritual progress

Let's do this!

The HIBS Sapphire Spiritual Coaching Immersion is an invitation for you to care enough about your spiritual journey to put it first, no matter what else is going on around you. We are here to help you unravel the rich magnitude of your personal power, so that you can experience greater health, happiness, self expression, connection, and prosperity in all ways. Your purpose is to connect to your soul's mission and create your lived experience in harmony with your destiny.

We are here to hold space for you every step of the way.

Let's do this!


Heba & The HIBS YOGA Team

P.S. We know you’re looking for peace and clarity, and that you are ready to truly start accessing the precious gifts that your life has to offer, but if you seek to establish a true and deep connection with your deepest self, you need to become your own authority, and the most influential person in your own life.

Let us support you so that you can stop waiting for something outside of yourself to give you permission, and start making the decision to master your own life-force.

You're destined for great things.

Pay in Full

*Custom payment plans are also available, email hibs@hibsyoga.com to set one up,